Friday, March 22, 2013

Nervous Thighs

I bought an eight-pack of boneless, skinless chicken thighs last week at Hannaford for $3.11.  Manager's Special (that's the only way I buy meat...Manager's Special, or if it has a coupon on it.) 

The thing is, thighs make me nervous.  I have two of my own and I can barely handle them.  But that buy was such a good deal...I was determined to find a way to cook them that was easy and tasted good.  I knew they wouldn't be chicken breasts, and I was just going to have to be ok with that.

After trolling the Pinterest, I found this recipe that sounded delicious, and had ingredients which I was sure I had at the house.  But the cooking directions said that the thighs would be broiled.  See, broiling makes me nervous.  The only thing I use my broil setting for is garlic bread.  What if the thighs weren't done?  What if the smoke alarm went beserk?  What if I had some more irrational worries?

I opted to cook these in the skillet, and they turned out delicious.  I didn't even need a glass of wine or a Klonapin to cook them.

Here we go:

Honey Glazed Spicy Chicken Thighs

4 skinless, boneless chicken thighs
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper (I used McCormick's Red Pepper Shot, because that's what I had.  I was going to opt for red pepper flakes, cause I had that, too.  Use what you like or what you have.)
Olive oil
6 tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons vinegar

In a large bowl or large ziplock bag, combine the spices.  Add chicken thighs and toss to coat.  Heat non-stick skillet with olive oil and add the chicken thighs.  While the chicken thighs are cooking, mix the honey and vinegar (I eyeballed the honey because measuring honey is a pain...)  Once the thighs are cooked through, add the honey mixutre.  It will bubble and get all delicious.  See below.
Underestimated the size of my one little thigh got cooked by its lonesome...and then was tossed into the leftover sauce

Shannon and I feasted on this and salad, then tucked into Season 2 of Downton Abbey.  Andrew had a piece once he got home.  All votes were in favor of thighs.

I will never show you how much Ranch dressing I put on my salad to make it edible

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