Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apple Stuffed Pork Roast

I love Pinterest.  If I could make money by Pinning all day, I absolutely would.  If I'm home and on the computer, Andrew will ask me if I'm on Pinterest (just like when he's home and on the computer, I ask him if he's on eBay.  Really, eBay is Pinterest for boys.

All of my new recipes this week have been Pinterest-inspired.  This one was no different.  Andrew is off doing Club business at the Stetson camp, so I had my folks over to enjoy Apple Stuffed Pork Roast .  It was easy and delicious.  And it could also be done in a crockpot, as was done in the original recipe here (I don't participate in Crossfit, and the only thing I know about Paleo is that I think he was Galileo's cousin??)  Here's what I did:

Apple Stuffed Pork Roast
2 lb pork roast
2 onions, cut into quarters
2 apples, cut into slices
5 medium carrots, washed and cut in half
Salt & Pepper

Preheat oven to 375.  I have one of those fancy Pampered Chef covered bakers.  You could use a Dutch oven.  You could use a 9x13 baking dish.  Whatever you're gonna cook this bad boy in, layer the bottom with the onion and carrots.  If you want more veggies or apple slices, throw them in now. 
Then, lay the pork roast on top of those.  Make slits (I did three) into the pork roast to put apple slices in (that original recipe site gives good pictures if you have questions.)  Put apple slices into the slits and around the pork.  Salt and pepper the top of the pork.  Drizzle the whole thing with honey.  Sprinkle rosemary on top. 
Bake until meat thermometer registers 165 (mine took 1h15mins.)  Take out of oven and let it rest 10 mins or so to let the juices redistribute (or just to let it cool down.  That's why I let it rest.)

This was before two Fords and a newly-minted Stearns attacked.

We had mashed potatoes and my homemade applesauce.  It was fantastic.  We had good family talk about how I thought my grandmother invented recipes that she certainly did not, and how my dad's father had to eat peanut butter and mustard sandwiches.  It's all about food in my family.  Wait until it gets to be'll be virtually full thanks to me!

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