Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken

Easy recipe. All ingredients you probably have on hand (if you don't, get them so you'll have them on hand to make an easy, smoke detecting recipe.) Fantastic if you want to have anxiety the whole time you're making dinner because you're cooking it at the same temperature that you self-clean your oven.

See the original recipe here, then follow the yellow brick road:

Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken

3 tsp olive oil
4 garlic cloves, minced
4 Tbsp brown sugar
4 chicken breasts (I used 3, minx that I am)

Preheat the oven to 500 (and pray.  And make sure the lasagna that bubbled over that time you had Amber and Nicole over is not going to require the Eddington Volunteer Fire Department to make a house call.)  Spray a 9x13 pan with non-stick spray (but it won't help.  You'll still be soaking that stupid pan until the weekend.)  Chuck the breasts into the pan and salt and pepper them. 
Then, take a little saute pan and put the oil in.  Add the garlic and cook until it starts to brown (shouldn't take very long.)  Add the brown sugar.  It sort of looks like a face scrub at this point.  If you think your Edward or Bella or any of those other Twibots, you could use this garlic brown sugar scrub to get the sparkles out.  Otherwise, try to evenly distribute the mix on your chicken.  Maybe wait for it to cool down.  Unless you have asbestos hands.  Then go ahead and get your rub on.
Meat thermometer was so key for me for this recipe.  Jab it into the biggest part of the breast and set (I went 180 degrees) and put in the fiery furnace.  Mine took approx. 20 minutes. 
Let your breasts rest.  That's just an applicable lesson in all parts of life.  But the juices will redistribute (or it'll just be cool enough to eat.  We've gone over this...)
There were blackened bits of the sauce around the edges of the pan.  But we were able to spoon up some more of the glaze onto the chicken.  Observe:

Dang cell phone takes just as good pictures as my camera.  Cause both are chuddy.

Brown rice and broccoli.  It was all very stir-fry-esque.  I pondered making a stir fry and just using a crap-ton of this glaze as the sauce.  Andrew heartily agreed.  Heartily.  (He didn't heartily agree, but he did say he admired how I came home every night and cooked dinner without thinking twice about it and without complaining and he doesn't take it for granted and he knows he couldn't do it.  That came from another Pin.)

Try cooking this Igniter Chicken (apparently that word is not recognized.  Whatevs) and tell me what you think!

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